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- プリズミックギャラリー
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- 077 l’architecture en mouvement
イベント「l’architecture en mouvement」

l’architecture en mouvement
This exhibition introduces various "movements" in architecture through architectural works focusing on regeneration of abandoned houses, reuse of wasted materials, earthquake and heat countermeasures, the functions of the sun and the soil etc.
会期|2019.3.2(土)~ 2019.4.13(土)
Sat. 2 March 2019 - Sat. 13 April 2019
開廊時間|平日 Weekdays 10:00 ~ 18:00
土 Saturdays 13:00 ~ 18:00
日祝休廊 Closed on Sundays and Holidays
入場無料 Admission Free
協賛 八潮建材工業株式会社 協力 東京理科大学高橋治研究室
Madeleine Kessler mnm Mio Tsuneyama → www.studio-mnm.com
日時: 2019.3.9(土)15:00 ~ 16:00
Studio mum主催の常山未央が展示された建築の動きについて紹介します。
Sat. 9 March 15:00-16:00
Gallery Talk
Engage directly with exhibited works through talks led by architect Mio Tsuneyama from Studio mnm. Talks focus on the exhibition theme “Architecture in Movement".
ギャラリートーク2 Architecture in Movement
日時: 2019.3.23(土)18:30 ~ 20:00
Gallery Talk 2 Architecture in Movement
Sat. March 2019 18:30-20:00
Inviting Niklas Fanelsa, Leonard Wertgen and Marius Helten from Berlin, Germany for the lecture about their recent research and projects in both Tokyo and Berlin. the opportunity about commonality of today through their activities focusing on public spaces.
Speaker Profile
Niklas Fanelsa is an architect and founder of the architecture practice Atelier Fanelsa in Berlin. He studied architecture at the RWTH Aachen University and the Tokyo Institute of Technology. He worked at De Vylder Vinck Taillieu in Gent/Belgium and TBBK in Berlin/Germany. He was a Teaching and Research Associate with the Chair of Housing at RWTH Aachen University and the Chair of Contextual Design at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg. Currently he is a Teaching and Research Associate at the Chair for Design and Housing with Professor Verena von Beckerath at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
Leonard Wertgen studied architecture at RWTH Aachen University where he also worked as research and teaching associate. After designing competitions with EM2N Architects in Zurich for three years Leonard was Architect-in-Residence at the Goethe-Institut Rotterdam in 2018. He collaborates with architects and artists on books and films on built environment. Leonard is co-author of the award-winning book Architecture Reading Aid Ahmedadabad, published 2015 with Ruby Press. A book on Tokyos spaces and livelyhood is scheduled to be published in 2020. He lives and works in Berlin as freelance architect and author.
Marius Helten studied architecture at RWTH Aachen, ETH Zürich and Tokyo Institute of Technology. He lives and works in Berlin as freelance architect. Marius is co-author of the book Architecture Reading Aid Ahmedadabad, published 2015 with Ruby Press. A book on Tokyos spaces and livelyhood is scheduled to be published in 2020.

1983 神奈川県生まれ
2005 東京理科大学工学部第二部建築学科卒業
2005-2006 Bonhôte Zapata Architectesスイス・ジュネーヴ
2006-2008 スイス連邦政府給費生
2008 スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校(EPFL)修了
2008-2012 HHF Architects スイス・バーゼル
2012 mnm設立
2013-2015 東京理科大学工学部第二部建築学科補手
2014- 武蔵野美術大学非常勤講師
2015- 東京理科大学工学部第二部建築学科助教
2018 Excellent Research Award(ISAIA 2018)「西大井のあな 都市のワイルドエコロジー」
2017 SDレビュー入選(鹿島出版会)「西大井のあな 都市のワイルドエコロジー」
2016 ヴェネチアビエンナーレ審査員特別賞日本館展示「en:art of nexus(不動前ハウス出展)」
2015 住宅建築賞(東京建築士会) 「不動前ハウス」
2013 SDレビュー入選(鹿島出版会)「不動前ハウス」
- プリズミックギャラリー